
Dear Readers, 

  The UN and other international AIDS agencies are undoubtedly shaken by the possibility that India might reject their terribly failed AIDS strategy advocating condoms and explicit sex education. It is about time. India has vastly more influence and economic and political independence than Uganda which finally caved in to intense pressure. The international elites may find they cannot also bully India. Let’s all hope this is the beginning of a dramatic new trend for the benefit of all nations.

  John Jalsevac lambasts the UN’s deadly obsession with condoms and its total rejection of abstinence and fidelity education in his commentary today. It is a madness that has finally got to be called to account.

  And then there is the UN’s CEDAW again, bullying and imposing its abortion ideology on sovereign nations. Just who has given these arrogant radicals, who are elected by no one of significance and not really accountable to the public, such enormous power and influence? Why does the world community allow this lunacy to continue? Time for yet another big change.

  Poland has shown what can be done. The drop in the number of abortions in Poland has been astounding. Bravo for them.

  It is very encouraging to see some US bishops finally, publicly correct some of those Catholic intellectual elites promoting the acceptance of euthanasia by removal of nutrition and hydration. As Catholic “experts” they are frauds. The Terri Schiavo slow execution by removal of food and fluids was a nightmare that these Catholics supported.

  We hope the bishops’ action is a sign of much more to come from the bishops. There are many more false teachers that need strong public correction – for the good of all. It is an act of charity long overdue.

  Steve Jalsevac
  Managing Director