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(LifeSiteNews) — The World Health Organization (WHO), a supranational body whose remaining credibility was shattered in 2020 after it began parroting the Chinese Communist Party’s lies about COVID-19, has once again exposed itself to communism-related controversy.
On Monday, the WHO appointed Professor Susan Michie, a British psychologist and longtime member of the Communist Party of Britain, as chair of the organization’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Behavioral Insights and Science for Health, The Telegraph reported.
Michie previously served as the Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, and advised the U.K. government’s coronavirus policy as a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) body.
Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the Communist Party and a leading voice in SAGE’s ‘nudge unit’ that pushed for draconian lockdowns, restrictions and mandates has been appointed as Chair of the WHO’s advisory group on behavioural insights.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 26, 2022
During her time advising the British government, Michie had called for harsher COVID restrictions and raised eyebrows by suggesting that certain elements of COVID safety “behavior,” including social distancing and masking, should be in place “forever.”
RELATED: Masks are insidious symbols of communist control
In July 2021, Michie told Channel 5 that new social behaviors, including “social distancing” and mask-wearing, would need to continue “in the long term” to combat COVID and “reduce other diseases.”
Asked how long she thought the practices should continue, Michie said, “I think forever, to some extent.”
David Nabarro, a special envoy from the WHO, said that vaccines won’t be enough to end the pandemic, and that we’ll need to adapt our lifestyles too.
Professor @SusanMichie, a behavioural scientist advising the government, and epidemiologist Dr @shikta_das join @ClaudiaLizaTV.
— Channel 5 News (@5_News) June 9, 2021
In a separate July 2021 interview with ITV’s Good Morning Britain, in which host Richard Madeley spoke to Michie about the potential lifting of COVID restrictions in Great Britain, Madeley noted that Mitchie had “been a member of the Communist party for about 40 years now,” and was “still a member.”
Socialist writer Thomas Scripps, writing for the openly Communist news outlet World Socialist Web Site, last year remarked that “Michie is a long-time member of the Stalinist Communist Party of Britain, a fact which neither she nor the media have considered a hindrance to her involvement with the government until now.”
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Michie has also praised communist-controlled China’s “socialist, collective system (whatever criticisms people may have),” as opposed to “an individualistic, consumer-oriented, profit-driven society badly damaged by 20 years of failed neoliberal economic policies.”
The so-called Technical Advisory Group that Michie will chair is composed of “22 outside experts from 16 countries, with expertise in areas including psychology, anthropology, health promotion, neuroscience, behavioural economics, social marketing and more,” according to the WHO.
Announcing the launch of the group in 2020, the WHO’s Director-General noted that “People make decisions based on a wide range of factors to do with their culture, beliefs, values, economic circumstances and more,” and that “behavioural science” can be utilized to help “us to understand how people make decisions, so we can support them to make the best decisions for their health.”
The “TAG” is tasked with helping the WHO “systematically include behavioural evidence in its work and in national health policies and programme planning,” according to the organization’s website.