NEW YORK, Feb 24 ( – Choices Women’s Medical Center abortuary, while it faces a temporary ban on its right to abort babies, is busing women to other abortion mills, even unlicensed ones. Writing in the New York Post on Sunday, Steve Dunleavy reports that “hundreds” of women are “shipped off like cattle” in a bus called the “Happiness Bus.” Dunleavy notes that last Saturday, the bus dropped “about 40 women, poor souls, in a most unhappy state of trauma” off at an unlicensed abortion mill in Jackson Heights.
The medical director at Choices , Dr. Alan Zarkin, was suspended after it was discovered that he had carved his initials into a patient’s stomach following a cesaerean section. Subsequently, the abortuary has been temporarily shut down by the Health Department after an investigation revealed breach of health and safety regulations.
See the New York Post article.
See earlier LifeSite coverage here, here and here.