
Yesterday’s LifeSite story on the Disney Donald Duck pro-contraception video was based on an erroneous news report. The correct story follows. 

DONALD DUCK PROMOTES CONTRACEPTION SANTIAGO, Chile, June 28 ( – The Population Research Institute (PRI) has exposed a Chilean Planned Parenthood affiliate that is making use of a 1968 Disney film of Donald Duck promoting contraception to propagandize population control to children. According to PRI’s report, the cartoon “Planificacion Familiar” (“Family Planning”) was created by Disney for the US Population Council. The film is being sold in a package of pro-contraceptive films by the Associacion Chilena de Protection de la Familia (APROFA).

PRI describes the Donald Duck “Family Planning” video as follows:  Donald Duck, a well-loved children’s figure, open(s) a medical supply kit that contains reproductive health supplies, oil paints and an easel. Using the paints and easel he proceeds to illustrate rapid population growth and ensuing starvation. The world is overpopulated,” a narrator declares. “With every generation, the population is growing too fast…. Let’s say in time that this couple will have more children…. The mother … is unhappy, weak and sick. The children will be sickly too…. But this situation can change.”

From his reproductive health supply kit, Donald Duck brandishes a golden key, and declares:  “Science gives us the key for a new personal freedom: family planning!”  Other videos in the package market condoms, IUD’s and the pill. One video contains animations of sex and features adults encouraging adolescents to avoid pregnancy by practicing non-genital sex.

For more info see the Population Research Institute.