FORSYTH COUNTY, Georgia, July 2, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Around 1,000 people have offered to adopt Baby India, the abandoned newborn whose rescue was captured on a police body camera earlier this summer.
Interest in India, whose story quickly went viral, has been so widespread that the homepage of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services has an announcement on it that the baby girl “is in a safe and loving home with a supportive, approved family.”
She’s “laughing” and “smiling,” according to Tom Rawlins, the Director of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services. Rawlins told CNN that India is “thriving,” “gaining weight,” and “smiling a lot.” She apparently loves being held and being sung to.
“For her to be in such a great condition is just a miracle,” Sheriff Ron Freeman told Good Morning America.
“We have been inundated with love from around the world and we are in absolute awe!” the Forsyth County Sheriff’s office posted on Facebook. They posted a map showing the places around the world from where people have contacted offering to help Baby India. The offers of help have come from as far as Italy, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Germany, as well as 45 states and the District of Columbia.
The 911 call from the night India was discovered has been released.
“It’s in a bag! It’s in a bag! Hurry!” the female caller said as her family discovered the noise they heard was definitely a baby and not an animal, as they originally thought it may be. “The baby’s in a bag!”
The Georgia Division of Family and Children Services is using the attention it has gained from the Baby India situation to encourage people to consider adopting older children who are in foster care.