SACRAMENTO, December 20, 2002 ( – California Governor Gray Davis, arguably the most pro-abortion governor in U.S. history, has been refused entrance to a Catholic children’s home run by St. Patrick’s Parish in Sacramento. The priest who runs the home said Davis would not be allowed to distribute gifts at the home – as governors have done for the past twenty years – unless he repents and turns from his sinful ways. “We don’t let any pro-abortion people in our grounds here,” said Monsignor Edward Kavanagh, director of the home since 1952. “He should get his life together and he should change his whole philosophy on the unborn.”
Davis rebuffed the call to repentance and invited children from the home to come to the state Capitol to be given gifts. Categorizing opposition to abortion as just an opinion, Davis said, “He’s entitled to his point of view and I’m entitled to mine. I’m unapologetically pro-choice and I’m not changing my position,” Davis said. To express support for Msgr. Kavanagh: [email protected][email protected] See the St. Patrick’s website at: See the AP coverage at: