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Help Canadian Dad who was fired for refusing vax: LifeFunder

ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland (LifeSiteNews) – The Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador will soon drop COVID vaccine mandates affecting some workers in both the public and private sectors. 

According to a press release sent out yesterday by the Executive Council of Health and Community Services of the government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the “Vaccine Regulations under the Health Protection and Promotion Act which came into effect in December 2021, will be suspended as of June 1, 2022.” 

The government notes that it is dropping the mandates because of “the current epidemiology of the province” and that a “decision has been made not to extend them at this time.” 

The government’s vaccine mandates require those who work in the public sector, as well as certain private workers in restaurants, bars, and facilities catering to vulnerable populations, to have two shots of the COVID injections.  

According to the government, the jab mandates also extend to those who work in “personal care homes, assisted living facilities, home care, charitable organizations providing services to persons in need, private health clinics, private schools, post-secondary institutions, fire departments, ambulance providers, businesses employing regulated health professionals, organizations providing child care services, and organizations providing therapeutic, supportive and residential services to children, youth and families.”   

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador also announced yesterday that it was suspending a mandatory vaccination policy for public service employees on June 1.” 

This policy claims the government mandate was put in place for “safety in the workplace,” given the “evidence of the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.” 

While the government said the COVID jab mandates will soon be gone, it also stated they may be “reinstated at any time deemed necessary in the future for the protection of the people of the province.” 

It is not yet clear if the lifting of the COVID jab mandate applies to doctors, nurses, and teachers. 

COVID vaccine mandates have divided Canadian society. 

Catholic Bishop Anthony Daniels of the Diocese of Grand Falls, Newfoundland went as far as to ban his vaccine-free flock from attending church and receiving the sacraments for months if they did not take a COVID jab.

Help Canadian Dad who was fired for refusing vax: LifeFunder  

