(LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the requirement for non-U.S. citizen, non-immigrants to show proof of COVID-19 injection in order to enter the country. This makes the U.S. one of the few remaining Western countries to uphold such a mandate.
The move comes despite the fact that the jabs do not prevent against contracting the virus. With the increasing rise of so-called “breakthrough cases,” studies are now showing that the injections actually increase the chances of contracting the virus.
The renewal of the U.S. border restrictions was announced November 4, and will expire on January 8, 2023. The current restrictions – which require visitors and temporary residents to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the country – were due to expire on November 8.
While at time of writing the TSA COVID-19 page lists only the border restrictions which expire on November 8, the Epoch Times reports (and links to) the updated TSA document.
Under the terms of the extended border restrictions, airline operators must ensure that passengers, prior to boarding, show paper or digital proof of having taken COVID injections, or provide documents detailing an exemption from such requirements.
The requirements align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, which stipulate that a passenger must have had either one injection of a single-dose vaccine, or two of a double-dose injection. The injections must be at least 14 days prior to flying.
READ: Former Pfizer VP: COVID jab manufacturers ‘should be immediately indicted for fraud’
While the restrictions apply to “noncitizen nonimmigrants,” they do not apply to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
The TSA justified the continuation of restrictions by saying, in contradiction to the fact that the jabs do not prevent COVID transmission, that:
these policies are intended to limit the risk that COVID-19, including variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, is introduced, transmitted, and spread into and throughout the United States, potentially overwhelming United States healthcare and public health resources, endangering the health and safety of the American people, and threatening the security of our civil aviation system.
The vaccine mandate, argued the TSA, will “advance the safety and security of the air traveling public, the government personnel responsible for ensuring the security of air travel, and the millions of individuals employed by the United States air travel industry, as well as their families and communities, while also allowing the domestic and global economy to continue its recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
In June the requirement for all passengers to test negative prior to flying to the U.S. was dropped, meaning that the vaccine mandate remained in situ on its own.
READ: Leaked data suggests lack of mRNA integrity may explain the ineffectiveness, dangers of COVID jabs
Given the extension of the COVID-19 injection mandate for the U.S. border, this means that passengers could be allowed to fly into the country even if they have the virus, so long as they also have taken the injections. Such a policy undermines the TSA’s purported aim of limiting the transmission and spread of COVID-19.
The U.S now also has the dubious honor of remaining one of the few countries (and the most significant) still requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for incoming passengers. Other countries include Yemen, Liberia, North Korea, China and Libya.
READ: ‘Mandatory vaccination is madness’: American doctor
While the TSA – a subsidiary of the Department of Homeland Security – is extending vaccine mandates, the DHS itself has seen significant resistance to the COVID shot within its ranks.
As of July this year, almost 22,000 DHS staff had sought religious or medical exemptions from the Biden administration’s federal employee COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and all of these requests remain unprocessed. These requests came from 8,100 Customs and Border Protection employees, 5,800 Transportation Security Administration workers, and 2,800 Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel.
A recent report has also found that Big Tech officials co-ordinated with DHS officials to tackle so-called “inaccurate information” on a variety of topics, including “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”
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