Monday February 15, 2010
Cutting Edge Media Campaign Links Abortion to Racism
By James Tillman
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, February 15, 2010 ( — A controversial new media campaign in Georgia links the racism of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, with the disproportionate numbers of African-American abortions performed in the United States every year.
The campaign features billboards stating that “Black Children are an Endangered Species,” and which direct viewers to the website
“Women are being lied to by … Planned Parenthood,” said Ryan Bomberger, founder of the Radiance Foundation, which is sponsoring the ads. “And that’s what is about. It’s about exposing these things; using the facts; using Margaret Sanger’s own word’s.”
The Radiance Foundation’s aim is “inspire people to live a life of meaning” by helping people realize that all are created with a God-given purpose.
Their website outlines how Margaret Sanger founded the “Negro Project” to reduce the number of African-American births. It also links her to the eugenics movement, which advocated the sterilization of the unfit and was closely related to racist Nazi ideology.
“Abortions increase where clinics are located and where are those clinics located?” asked Dr. La Verne Tolbert, former board member of Planned Parenthood. “Ninety-four percent of the clinics are located in urban areas where blacks reside. In my own neighborhood which is an African-American neighborhood in California, there are three abortion clinics strategically located all in the same area.”
Some have accused the ad’s sponsors themselves of racism for targeting a specific demographic group in their attempts to reduce abortions.
“The language in the billboard is using messages of fear and shame to target women of color,” said Leola Reis, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Georgia.
“It’s incredibly offensive,” said Heidi Williamson of SisterSong, a pro-abortion health group for African-Americans. “And it’s just horrific to have to drive by it everyday.”
But Bomberger responded that, “This is not a campaign that targets black women. It’s a campaign that exposes an industry that we believe targets African-Americans.”
“We emphasize how abortion is a tragedy, it’s a human issue, it’s not race-specific,” he said on the Laura Ingraham show. “This campaign was launched, however, because of the extreme disparity in the numbers.”
African-Americans accounted for the majority of abortions in Georgia in 2006, although they make up just a third of the state’s population. Roughly 40% of African-American pregnancies in the United States end in abortion.
“Black children are aborted at three times the rate of all other populations,” said Catherine Davis, Director of Minority Outreach for Georgia Right to Life, which is also sponsoring the ads. “Georgia leads the country in the number of reported abortions performed on black women, 18,901 in 2008 alone.”
The campaign began with billboards in Dekalb and Fulton counties; according to Catherine Davis, over two-thirds of the abortions in Georgia occur in those two counties.
In related news, last Tuesday Georgia representative Barry Loudermilk introduced the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act.
“This legislation would make it illegal to conduct selective human abortions based on the sex, race or color of a child,” he said. “It applies the same standards of non-discrimination that is current law regarding employment, education, government and housing, to the practice of human abortion. It also gives the mother the right to seek civil damages against any abortion doctor or clinic who conducts an illegal abortion in the state of Georgia.”
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