OTTAWA, Oct 3 ( – In a Sept. 28 letter to CWL members. Vivian Bosch, the new National President of the Catholic Women’s League, has caused outrage suggesting that Mary, the mother of Jesus, would stay in the World March of Women. “Much time and energy in the past six months has been spent on voicing opinions about the March. …have we been consumed by the debate over the League’s involvement in the March?” “It is time for us to set our frustrations aside and do the work that Jesus calls us to do” says the letter. After describing participation in the feminist march as “a mission of compassion and love,” Bosch states, “In serving with compassion, we fulfill our call to our model, Mary, the mother of Jesus. When his followers deserted Jesus, it was Mary who stayed with Him.”
CWL life member Jakki Jeffs told LifeSite “once again the national offices are continuing to disregard the very real concerns of grass roots CWL members, resulting in a shattering of the grass roots.” LifeSite has learned that the March scandal has led to an increasing number of local CWL’s removing their church women’s groups from League membership in favour of women’s auxiliaries.