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PRAGUE, Czech Republic, June 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Czech Republic President Miloš Zeman is under fire after commending Hungary for its decision to protect children against homosexual and transgender ideology.
During a recent interview on CNN Prima News, Zeman expressed support for Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the new legislation, which includes forbidding the showing of pornographic material or content portraying homosexuality or transgenderism to minors under age 18.
After passing the legislation, Orban has been repeatedly condemned by various politicians for his attempt to protect innocent children. The EU threatened to “investigate” the new legislation.
Additionally, Zeman was criticized as a result of his outspoken conservative views. During the 2018 election in the Czech Republic, the BBC condemned him as a “politically incorrect president” after he warned about the effects of Muslim immigration.
Regardless of risking his political career, Zeman supported Orban’s decision and commitment to protect children.
“Viktor Orbán says that he is not against homosexuals, but that he is against the manipulation not only of parents, but also of children in sex education,” Zeman boldly stated.
“I see no reason to disagree with him, because I am completely annoyed by the suffragettes, the Me Too movement and Prague Pride,” he continued.
“If you undergo a sex-change operation you are basically committing a crime of self-harm,” Zeman said. “Every surgery is a risk and these transgender people to me are disgusting.”
He commented that the upcoming homosexual “pride” march in Prague represents a small minority of the people’s beliefs who are attempting to put themselves above others. He declared that, if he were younger, he would organize a counter-protest.