WASHINGTON, D.C., April 29, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The late-term abortionist at the center of a new Live Action expose has said he has not watched their undercover video, because “I don’t like to feed into these people. I really consider them terrorists.” His reaction, and several comments recorded during Live Action's unedited footage, show abortionists are hostile to and concerned about the political advocacy of the pro-life movement.
Live Action filmed Dr. Cesare F. Santangelo of the Washington Surgi-Clinic saying if a baby were born alive during a botched abortion, “we would not help it.”
“For Dr. Santagelo to call a 24-week pregnant woman a terrorist, after having just admitted he would leave struggling babies to die after surviving abortion, is a desperate attempt to distract from his own horrific actions,” responded Lila Rose, the president and founder of Live Action.
The Washington Post reports that Santangelo was “trying to reassure” the woman and would call 911. He was merely “tripped up” by the question.
“Once the baby is born, it’s out of everybody’s hands, and the baby has rights, too,” he said. “I understand that, and I support that.”
But he added he would not “do anything extraordinary…You let nature take its course.”
“The numbness Dr. Santangelo displays to his victims is both heart-breaking and shocking,” Rose said. “It is time to investigate the inhuman and brutal practices that happen behind the closed doors of these facilities across the country.”
The full video footage shows a number of exchanges that demonstrate the late-term abortion facility is worried about the pro-life movement.
A nurse tells the reporter, in broken English, “There are a lot of people that, they are against abortions. And usually, these people tend to demonize…We're fighting everyday about to keep this right.”
The nurse said the pro-life movement would like to end abortion but “cannot do it politically, because there is a lot of people fighting for the rights,” especially with what “just happened, the elections.”
Sounding an echo of Barack Obama's “war on women” theme, she says, “There's a lot of people, you know, and they are threatening, threatening everyday against woman, against the rights.” (The exchange comes approximately 32 mins into full footage)
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Dr. Santangelo also tells the woman “a lot of [material on the internet], it’s planted there by these people, you know, that are 'right to life,' and they plant it there to scare people and to make them think things that, you know, they wouldn’t otherwise think for some reason.”
He complains that one of his patients, who began having contractions at home, “went to a hospital in Virginia and found some 'right to life' type of nurse that helped them to deliver.”
The pro-life nurse allegedly told him the baby being alive was “God's will.”
Santangelo replies, “'God’s will'? I mean, that’s not what she wants!”
He calls Virginia “one of the worst states in the country as far as, you know, having an abortion.”
However, a staff member concedes a key point pro-life activists have long argued. The nurse admits on film that many women regret their abortions.
When the reporter asks if women have second thoughts after walking away from the operating table, the nurse replies, “For sure.”
She says, “You have to realize that this a decision that, unfortunately, affects you deeply beyond anything, and one way or another. You have to live with that as a possibility – emotionally, physically, and otherwise.”