URGENT: Sign the petition demanding that the charges against David Daleiden be dropped. Click here.
SACRAMENTO, CA, April 7, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – When officers from the state of California raided his home on Tuesday, they confiscated undercover videos of Planned Parenthood that have not yet been released publicly, David Daleiden has revealed.
Daleiden said that California Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered her agents to enter his Orange County apartment on the afternoon of April 5 and seize all the material he collected during the 30-month-long investigation he conducted on behalf of the Center for Medical Progress.
They “invaded my home the other day,” Daleiden told Fox News host Sean Hannity last night, removing everything dealing with the abortion industry's potentially illegal practices related to organ and tissue harvesting and sale.
“They took everything, including footage that has not seen the light of day yet,” Daleiden said.
“We're still assessing the extent of what they took and what kind of back-up copies might be available,” he said.
The involvement of Kamala Harris has stirred controversy among many pro-life groups. Harris, who is now running for U.S. Senate in California as a Democrat, has accepted funding from Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups. And her campaign website features a petition that asks California voters to join her in “defending Planned Parenthood.”
Planned Parenthood has filed civil suit in California against Daleiden and his colleagues, and a Houston-area grand jury indicted the 27-year-old for using false identification and allegedly attempting to purchase human organs.
URGENT: Sign the petition demanding that the charges against David Daleiden be dropped. Click here.
The abortion industry wants other jurisdictions to file similar criminal charges and has asked U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to follow suit.
Since CMP's front group, a phony biomedical group called Biomax, incorporated in California, Planned Parenthood hoped CMP would be prosecuted for filing false incorporation papers. The California Attorney General's office declined to comment, telling Fox News that it cannot discuss an ongoing investigation.
Daleiden said the decision to focus on him and CMP demonstrates Kamala Harris' misplaced priorities.
“The very worst baby body parts violation in Planned Parenthood's baby body parts harvesting program took place in California,” he said.
Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the abortionist featured eating salad and sipping red wine in the first CMP video, harvested organs in a Los Angeles Planned Parenthood facility.
CMP videos also caught the CEO of a California-based company, StemExpress, discussing how abortionists financially profit from reimbursements made in exchange for human body parts.