LOS ANGELES, Feb. 7, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Budget constraints in California threaten to allow the early release of convicted criminal abortionist Bertha Bugarin, whose squalid and dangerous abortion chain was responsible for two decades of fraud, rape, botched abortions, and patient deaths. Her Chula Vista mill was known as a “shop of horrors.”
Gov. Jerry Brown is asking for 37,000 “nonviolent” offenders to be transferred from state prison facilities to county jails or released on probation in an effort to realign services. The Los Angeles Times has reported that Bugarin is among those that could face early release.
“Go back to the drawing board. From my standpoint, it does not work. It endangers public safety, and I will continue to oppose it,” Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley told the State Assembly’s Budget Committee last week. “The realignment proposal is a public safety nightmare.”
“Releasing Bugarin after only serving a small fraction of her sentence sends the wrong message to abortionists who already have the attitude that they are above the law. Her release would constitute a danger to the public,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue who worked for years to expose Bugarin’s illegal and dangerous abortion chain. “Bugarin is a ruthless predator that has demonstrated absolutely no respect for the law. If she gains an early release, I have no doubt that she will be back in business in no time. Keeping her in jail is the only way to protect the public.”
Bugarin ran several seedy abortion clinics in Southern California that together once made up the second largest abortion chain in the state. Bugarin’s business model of offering shoddy, unsafe abortions to predominately Hispanic undocumented immigrants using financially desperate and troubled abortionists made her millions.
Bugarin employed abortionists who were known sex offenders, drug addicts, alcoholics, and frauds. Those that had licenses soon lost them when their activity caught the eye of the California Medical Board.
When Bugarin ran short on abortionists, she began doing abortions herself, even though she had no medical training.
Bugarin was finally arrested and pled guilty in 2008 to seven felonies in Los Angeles County and nine felonies in San Diego County. She was sentenced to 3 years, 4 months in Los Angeles and 6 years, 8 months in San Diego, with her sentences to run concurrently.
“The fact that Bugarin could be considered a nonviolent offender boggles the mind, considering the injuries and death that occurred at her mills and by her own hand,” said Sullenger. “We encourage the public to contact Gov. Brown and demand that Bugarin remain in prison for the remainder of her sentence.”