CHERRY HILL, New Jersey, February 6, 2006 ( – Stacy Zallie ended her life at age 21, one year after undergoing a secret abortion. Although her family was close, Stacy never told them she had been pregnant and never talked about the abortion.
Her father believes it was pain over the abortion that led her to take her life. He has started a Web portal and foundation in her memory, the Stacy Zallie Foundation, that offers counseling and support to women who have had abortions.
“I knew it was a life event for her,” Mr. Zallie told the CourierPost. “It was the most serious issue in that brief life of hers. I know, in my heart, it took a toll on her emotionally and mentally, that she couldn’t recover from it. And it just breaks my heart that she didn’t open up.”
At one point Stacy asked to go in to therapy, but ended the sessions after only three months.
A successful businessman, George Zallie began the foundation after hearing women speak about the pain of living with the fallout from having an abortion, at a retreat following his daughter’s death.
“I heard guilt, remorse, loss,” he recalls. “Their frankness was really astounding to me. It was helpful for me in understanding just what Stacy was going through . . . It became important to me to get the message out.”
The site offers help to women who are suffering emotionally and spiritually from having ended their babies’ lives. The Foundation emphasizes the need for compassion and non-judgmental care, recognizing the depth of pain caused by abortion.
Dr. David Reardon, a post-abortion specialist and researcher, has collected extensive documentation on the effects of abortion. According to statistics, teenage girls are 10 times more likely to attempt suicide after abortion. 60 percent of women consider suicide and 28 percent attempt it after abortion.
“If I get one girl—one girl—to go to that site and realize that she’s not alone, then it’s worth it,” Mr. Zallie said.
To visit the Stacy Zallie Foundation site, go to:
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