WASHINGTON, D.C., January 12, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A radio station that covers the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area stopped running a pro-life ad this week after the abortion lobby complained.
WTOP pulled an ad from the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a political group that elects and supports pro-life women, after “abortion activists demanded [they] take it off the air,” SBA List wrote in an email to supporters.
SBA List Press Secretary Nicole Stacy confirmed to LifeSiteNews that WTOP removed the ad “saying they received complaints.”
“It's a fact: Planned Parenthood is America's largest abortion business,” a female voice says in the 31-second ad. “Nearly a million abortions in the last three years. Its executives were caught on tape bragging about selling baby body parts. Under federal investigation, Planned Parenthood spent 30 million last election on political activism, not women's healthcare.”
“It's time for Congress to act,” the ad continues. “It's time to redirect Planned Parenthood's funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare to women, not abortions.”
“Our ad exposes Planned Parenthood for the profit-driven, abortion-centered business it is,” said Mallory Quigley, SBA List Communications Director. “This clearly hit a nerve with the abortion activists who complained. I understand it is stomach-churning to think of Planned Parenthood executives bragging about harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted children. What’s also sickening is that our taxpayer dollars go to the abortion business at a rate of $1.5 million a day. It is time to redirect that money to comprehensive health care centers that don’t end the lives of more than 300,000 children a year. We won’t be deterred by this censorship and will continue to urge Congress to act.”
The radio ad is part of a new $500,000 campaign SBA List launched today to expose Planned Parenthood as America’s largest abortion provider and urge Congress to redirect the group’s tax dollars to comprehensive, whole-woman health care centers.
This week, SBA List is running a radio ad and digital advertising campaign targeting Washington, D.C. Upcoming efforts will include state-based mobilization in key states, the group said in a release.
Last night, the U.S. Senate passed a budget resolution bill, the first step in the process to redirect Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding and repeal Obamacare using the budget reconciliation procedure.
Listen to the censored ad here.