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TALLAHASSEE, Florida (LifeSiteNews) — Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation on Tuesday that eliminated the statute of limitation for adults who subject children to “sexual performances.”
Previously, the law required prosecution to begin within three years of the crime being committed.
Senate Bill 1244, passed unanimously by both chambers of the Florida legislature, allows for prosecution at any time for “specified violations relating to sexual performance by a child” if the offender was 18 years or older.
The law, which goes into effect on July 1, could be used to prosecute adults who subject children to drag shows. The law will apply to any sex offenses that occur on July 1 or later.
According to Florida statutes, an individual “is guilty of promoting a sexual performance by a child when, knowing the character and content thereof, he or she produces, directs, or promotes any performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age.” The same applies to people who produce child pornography, including the filming of a “sexual performance by a child.”
The law also allows for prosecution without time limits of for anyone who “Encourag[ed], forc[ed], or entic[ed] any person less than 16 years of age to engage in sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, prostitution, or any other act involving sexual activity.”
Bill author Audrey Gibson, a Democrat, wrote the legislation to help people like Gail Gardner, a victim of sexual assault who waited decades to get her case investigated and prosecuted, according to WESH 2.
The legislation comes during LGBT activists’ celebration of “Pride Month” and while drag shows including children are facing scrutiny.
A Texas lawmaker said he will introduce legislation to ban children from attending drag shows and other sexualized performances after videos went viral over the weekend of children being exploited in such activities.
“Drag shows are no place for a child,” Bryan Slaton tweeted. “I would never take my children to a drag show, and I know Speaker Dade Phelan and my Republican colleagues wouldn’t either. I will be filing legislation to address this issue in the new #txlege.”
Drag shows are no place for a child.
I would never take my children to a drag show and I know Speaker Dade Phelan and my Republican colleagues wouldn’t either.
I will be filing legislation to address this issue in the new #txlege .
— Bryan Slaton (@BryanforHD2) June 6, 2022
Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh urged the governor of Texas to enforce the law against drag shows.
The governor of Texas signed a law last year banning “sexually oriented businesses” from admitting any patrons under the age of 21. This weekend a gay club hosted small children for a drag show. A clear violation of the law. But cops stood outside and did nothing.
— Best selling LGBT children’s author Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 6, 2022
“The governor of Texas signed a law last year banning ‘sexually oriented businesses’ from admitting any patrons under the age of 21,” Walsh tweeted. “This weekend a gay club hosted small children for a drag show. A clear violation of the law. But cops stood outside and did nothing.”
A book club sponsored by Pizza Hut is continuing the sexualization of children by promoting drag queen books for pre-K students.