By Gudrun Schultz
OLYMPIA, Washington, June 23, 2006 ( – The owners of a popular groceryÂstore have refused to stock abortifacient Plan B medication, triggering threats of a month-long boycott by women’s rights activists.
Kevin Stormans, co-owner of Ralph’s Thriftway, said the store pharmacy would not carry Plan B medication because of moral concerns over the drug, the Olympian reported on Wednesday.
“I don’t want to get into a detailed debate. I just think people have to choose when they believe life begins,” Mr. Stormans told the Olympian. “There are questions about this drug on that issue.”
Widely touted as an “emergency contraceptive” by advocates, in fact the drug also acts as an abortifacient by preventing a human embryo in the earliest stages of development from implanting on the wall of the uterus. The child dies as a result.
Resident Janet Blanding, who initiated organization of the boycott, told the Olympian, “This is a very liberal community. I think enough people care enough about women’s rights to boycott a store that is doing something like this.”
The activists said they plan to hold two-hour protests with pickets beginning June 28, continuing for three days, and then begin the boycott July 1.
Kevin Stormans said the protests may hurt his business, but he will not change his position on the issue regardless.
“Obviously it’s not something we would like to have happen. But it’s not going to change our position. We’ve made our decision, and it’s what we have determined. It’s not a negotiable issue,” he said.
“They certainly may have an effect on our business. If that happens, that’s OK. People can make their choice. We’ve made our choice.”
Under state law, pharmacists are not required to stock all available drugs, according to the state Pharmacy Board. Individual pharmacists are free to decide what medications to keep in stock, based on the needs of local patients.
Plan B is stocked by at least five other stores in town, according to Stormans, who said his pharmacists refer requests for the drug to one of the locations that carry it. Planned Parenthood’s downtown clinic also dispenses the medication on weekdays. Public affairs coordinator for South Sound Planned Parenthood, Jennifer Allen, said access is not the only issue.
“Many women are feeling intimidated when they ask for emergency contraception, so being turned away or being told to go someplace else can further traumatize someone,” she said.
The Board of Pharmacy is set to decide on a draft rule in August that would ensure individual pharmacists remain free to refuse to provide medication for reasons of conscience, so long as they refer requests to another pharmacist.
State Governor Chris Gregoire opposes the rule and has threatened she will replace board members if they approve it.
To express support to Stormans, Inc.:
Phone: 360-754-2203
Email: [email protected]
See related LifeSiteNews coverage:
US Pharmacists Battle over Forced Dispensation of Abortion Drugs
Abortion-Causing Drugs Must be offered by Pharmacies – US Federal Law Proposes