Detroit Bishop to Offer a Funeral Mass for Eighteen Aborted Babies
By John-Henry Westen
DETROIT, May 1, 2008 ( – A funeral Mass burial for eighteen unborn babies will be offered this Saturday, May 3, by Bishop John Quinn of Detroit. The remains of their bodies were discovered in dumpsters at the Woman Care abortion clinic on Southfield Road in Lathrup Village, Michigan which is operated by abortionist Alberto Hodari.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, called upon all of the nation’s Catholic priests today to offer a Mass within the next few days for the “Hodari babies.” The pro-life group Citizens for a Pro-life Society headed by Monica Migliorino Miller discovered the bodies in the dumpster and brought the matter to the attention of the police.
Unbelievably, Miller was billed $1,100 by Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the removal of the evidence from her home. In the meantime, the abortionist has himself escaped without any significant punishment. (see coverage: )
“This is not the first time that my friend Monica Miller has organized such a work of mercy for discarded children like this,” Fr. Pavone stated. “Her work spans the last couple of decades, and it has been my honor to participate with her in similar funeral services in the past.”
“This Saturday’s service is no ordinary funeral. There are still too many of our fellow citizens who don’t even acknowledge that the people who will be buried this Saturday are people at all. To mourn their deaths publicly, therefore, is not just to honor them, but to sound a wake-up call to our nation that we are living amidst the biggest holocaust of all time. That is why I call upon my brother priests nationwide to bring to the attention of their congregations this weekend that children are being buried who were brutally, legally killed, and that the killing has to end,” Fr. Pavone concluded.
Hodari is a controversial abortionists who was caught on video last year telling medical students that he lied to his patients. Speaking to students at Wayne State in Detroit about his career performing abortions, he said that doctors have a license to lie to their patients, and informed them he does not frequently wash his hands between abortions.
Students for Life of America filmed the talk and SFLA President Ashley Tyndall commented, “Several women have died while getting abortions with Hodari, and yet the Michigan board of health has never investigated him. How many women have to die before the bureaucrats start telling Hodari to wash his hands and tell patients the truth.” (see coverage: )