TORONTO, March 6, 2003 ( – The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP), an official arm of the Canadian Catholic Bishops Conference, has invited Toronto City Councilor and pro-homosexual activist Joe Mihevc to give its annual Lenten Seminar. CCODP, which was embroiled in scandal in 2000 with the $135,000 donation to the pro-abortion March of Women, has invited Mihevc to speak despite his very public stands against important church principles. While claiming to be a Catholic and even a Catholic theologian, Mihevc appeared as a supporter at the press conference of homosexual activist student Marc Hall. At a press conference Hall threatened his Catholic high school with a $100,000 lawsuit for not allowing him to bring his homosexual boyfriend to the school prom. Mihevc used his title as a Catholic theologian to defend Hall at that time. Mihevc’s pro-homosexual activism is longstanding. When Toronto’s Cardinal Ambrozic condemned, on behalf of the Catholic community in Ontario, the same sex marriage legislation introduced by then-Premier Bob Rae, Mihevc objected strenuously to the cardinal’s stand. Moreover, Mihevc was the first councilor to propose benefits for homosexual couples in the City of Toronto. Despite his clear anti-Catholic stands, Mihevc strangely continues to receive opportunities to address Catholics at supposedly Catholic events and institutions. Beyond the CCODP seminar, where Mihevc will present with two other individuals, he teaches a course on social justice at the Faculty of Theology of St. Michael’s College in Toronto. Mihevc also uses his claim of Catholicism to garner votes. Campaign literature for Mihevc featured a photo of him kissing the hand of the Pope. The CCODP Annual Lenten Seminar “Reclaiming Peace” is billed as “an evening of reflection and discussion with an interfaith panel.” It is to take place at Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 24 Cheritan Avenue, Toronto on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 from 7-9pm. With Development and Peace entering into donation mode during Lent, Catholics are advised to consider carefully the recipients of their donations. Traditionally, a large portion of the Share Life/Lent donations go to support CCODP. Although the amount given to the organization by many dioceses has been cut back, it still receives sizable funds despite its strong political leftist leanings, its indifference to the church’s moral teachings – especially on abortion and contraception, and its support over the years for some objectionable or questionable programs. See related LifeSite coverage: CATHOLIC BOARD THREATENED WITH LAWSUIT ON FORBIDDING HOMOSEXUAL PROM DATE TORONTO CITY WORLD YOUTH DAY CHAIR SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL DATING Past articles on CCODP CCODP support for the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual March of Women DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE DONATES THOUSANDS TO PRO-ABORTION CONFERENCE CATHOLIC ORGANIZATION’S CONTROVERSIAL CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE CCODP ELECTION 2000 Questionnaire (these are the priorities of CCODP) DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE DEFENDS ADS ON PRO-ABORTION E-MAG DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE MAKES CONTROVERSIAL APPOINTMENT
Official Canadian Catholic social justice body once again abuses trust of Catholic donors