By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
HAITI, March 30, 2009 ( – The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P), is funding two pro-abortion groups in Haiti, LifeSiteNews has learned.
The current discoveries bring the total number of confirmed pro-abortion groups funded by D&P to twelve, including five in Mexico, two in Brazil, three in Africa, and two in Haiti. In addition, the National Catholic Register has reported that a Bolivian group funded by D&P is also pro-abortion (see links to previous LifeSiteNews coverage following article). Several groups funded by D&P also defend or promote the use of contraceptives, with one group actively involved in the distribution of condoms.
The two pro-abortion groups in Haiti, Kay Fanm and Fanm Deside, are listed as D&P grant recipients in the organization’s 2006-2011 Integrated Program (
Kay Fanm (“What Women!”), an organization that says its purpose is the “promotion of the rights of women,” proclaims its support for abortion on its webpage entitled, “The State of Things: Women and Health in Haiti” (see webpage in French at
Kay Fanm complains that there is a “lack of access to information and training relative to reproductive rights” including “a very limited recognition of reproductive rights regarding the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVG). Given that abortion is illegal in Haiti, women and young girls facing undesired pregnancies sometimes have recourse to clandestine abortions practiced in dubious conditions.”
It also laments “a weak rate of contraceptive utilization,” explaining that “at the national level the rate of utilization of contraceptives (and consisting of condoms) continues to be weak (13.2%). Coupled with the lack of sex education, this has as its result a high rate of growth of the population with a rate of fecundity of 4.8 …” Kay Famn goes on to complain that the government isn’t distributing the “female condom” as well.
On another Kay Fanm page, the organization clearly proclaims its support for the “depenalizaton of abortion” (that is, to eliminate criminal penalties for the practice) in conjunction with Fanm Deside, another D&P grant recipient, in an alliance called CONAP.
On its own website, Fanm Deside (“Women Decide”) offers a PowerPoint presentation explaining the activities of the group, which include “organizing days of reflection and sensitization on the advancement of the state of women,” including one scheduled for September 17 on the “depenalization of abortion” (see slide 16 of presentation in French at
Although D&P does not report its contributions to individual groups, Haiti received $363,000 CAD in 2008. Divided among the seven Haitian “partners” listed in the D&P 2006-2011 Integrated Program, each group received on average $51,857 CAD.
Contact Information:
Contact information for every Canadian bishop,com_wrapper/Itemid,…
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
2500 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 2J2
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (613) 241-9461
Fax: (613) 241-9048
Previous LifeSiteNews coverage:
Hundreds of Thousands in Canadian Lent Collection Money Funding Pro-Abortion Groups in Mexico
Group Funded by Development and Peace Supports Mexico City’s Abortion on Demand Law
Mexican Pro-Life Leader Confirms: Groups Funded by Development and Peace are Pro-Abortion
Canadian Catholic “Development and Peace” Funding Two Abortion Advocacy Groups in Brazil
Development and Peace Also Supporting Pro-Abortion Group in Bolivia: National Catholic Register
Pro-Abortion/Contraception Groups in Africa Receiving Development and Peace Funding
Catholic and International Pro-Life Groups Ask Canadian Bishops to Halt Funding to Latin American Pro-Abortion Groups
Toronto Archbishop: Development and Peace Won’t Get Funds if They Support Pro-Abortion Groups
Third And Fourth Canadian Bishops Say Development & Peace Funds to be Held Pending Investigation
Full Text of LifeSiteNews Interview With Gilio Brunelli of Development and Peace