Doctors Say Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Will Give False Impression Gay Sex is Safe
OTTAWA, February 18, 2005 ( – The looming legalization of same-sex marriage has pushed several doctors to begin speaking out on the harmful medical consequences of homosexual sex. In addition to the group of physicians who presented their findings to Parliament in a referenced brief last week (see coverage ), two other doctors have approached to submit evidence but requested anonymity based on fear of retribution from homosexual activists. The doctors noted that they are concerned for individuals practicing dangerous homosexual sex practices but also for society in that the normalization of such sex practices through same sex ‘marriage’ legislation will result in a major added burden on health care. “Legalization of same sex marriage by the government would give the false message that homosexual sex practices, such as anal intercourse, as long as ‘practiced safely’, are not endangering the health of the partners,” said Dr. C. Providing rather explicit details which she felt the public must be aware of, she explained, “Anal intercourse causes abrasions of the relatively fragile rectal wall, especially in the receptive partner. The penetration of E.coli, always present in the stool, and other bacteria, viruses and parasites penetrate through such lesions into the deeper body tissues. This leads to the suppression of the immune system of such individuals even if there is no exposure to HIV. The immune suppression increases the risk to develop certain cancers, opportunistic infections, to which otherwise one would be resistant, and other health problems including the risk of premature death.” Information on the health risks of gay sex is available from the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA). A survey by members of the GLMA released in August 2002 listed the main health problems affecting homosexual men. According to Christopher E. Harris, MD, GLMA President and Vincent M.B. Silenzio, MD, MPH, there are increased health risks for homosexual men. The most common health problems in homosexual men are:
1. Increased incidence of infectious diseases – HIV/AIDS* – syphilis – gonorrhea – chlamydia – pubic lice – hepatitis A – hepatitis B – hepatitis C – anal papilloma 2. Increased incidence of cancer especially – colon/rectal – prostate – testicular 3. Increased incidence of eating disorders – bulimia – anorexia nervosa – obesity 4. Increased incidences of other psychological problems – anxiety – depression – suicide 5. Increased incidence of addiction problems especially – tobacco – alcohol – street drugs – amyl nitrates (poppers) See also Physician Says Science of Medical Consequences of Homosexual Behaviour is Being Trumped by Political Agenda The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality jhw