
AMSTERDAM, June 25, 2001 ( – Irish pro-lifers have been outraged at the Dutch abortion ship threatening to abort Irish children, in international waters off the Irish shore. Galway for Life, a pro-life group in Ireland, has urged pro-lifers around the world to contact the Dutch Ambassador to protest the ship, noting that the Dutch government gave the sum of 72,000 guilders (approximately $43,000.00) indirectly for the conversion of the fishing trawler into a floating abortuary under the guise of an arts grant on the basis that the boat was “a work of art”.

The Irish pro-life group also notes that the Dutch government may yet give a licence to the ship’s abortionists, who are sailing under a Dutch flag. The Dutch Minister for Development Co-operation Eveline Herfkens, was quoted as calling the ship “a concrete answer to a awful problem”. Moreover, Minister Herfkens stated that the Dutch parliament would take a serious look at any proposal to properly fund the project and suggested a figure of 1,000,000 guilders (approximately $600,000.00). Ms. Herfkens was Executive Director of the World Bank in Washington DC. from 1990 to 1996.

Addresses of Dutch consulates can be found at:

To contact the Dutch government directly:  Dutch Ministry for Justice [email protected]

Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs [email protected]

Background on Eveline Herfkens