
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, December 4, 2008 ( – The murder investigation of a Dutch woman who was accused of having killed her late-term unborn child in Spain last year has been dropped, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the central city of Den Bosch.

The woman, whose name has not been released, was arrested in early December of last year by Dutch authorities on charges of murder and infanticide for having obtained an abortion after the six month gestation limit prescribed by the nation’s abortion code.

This was the first case in the Netherlands in which a woman was charged with murder for killing her unborn child in another country. Dutch law allows prosecution of a Dutch national for a crime committed abroad.

Spain’s liberal abortion laws allow abortion beyond 22 weeks gestation with only a diagnosis of “psychological risk.”

The prosecutor’s office statement said that the case has been closed because the woman suffers from psychological problems.

“Under normal circumstances, prosecution would be likely,” said the statement. However, it continued, the 25-year-old woman’s mental state “very likely influenced her decision to terminate the pregnancy.”

An AP report said that the woman was directed to the Instituto CB Medical Ginemedex abortion mill in Barcelona by a staff member of a Dutch abortuary because her pregnancy was too far advanced for a legal abortion in the Netherlands.

Ginemedex and its owner, “abortion magnate” Carlos Morin, are under criminal investigation for falsification of psychological reports to justify abortions carried out up to the eighth month of gestation, and for “grave irregularities” that could cause “serious risks” to patient health in the Ginemedex clinic; these include such things as falsifying the identities of doctors carrying out abortions, and disposing of the bodies of unborn babies in the trash, along with confidential patient documents.

The Spanish press has reported on the grisly reality inside Morin’s late-term clinics, where evidence has been found that personnel were grinding up fetuses and disposing of them through the drainage system, a practice that is also common in abortion mills in the United States.

As LSN reported late last year, more than a dozen doctors and clinic personnel affiliated with Morin’s chain of abortion clinics have been arrested in an ongoing investigation that proved that foreigners were paying thousands of Euros for abortions forbidden under Spanish law as well as the laws of their own countries. 

“Both in Madrid and in the rest of Spain, a legal fraud is being conducted in the general practice of abortion clinics, and the different administrations have looked the other way,” said a spokesman for the organization (“There Are Alternatives”) according to ACI Prensa.

“Fortunately, based on the events that have happened recently in Barcelona it seems that they have been awakened somewhat from their lethargy to their political responsibilities, and we hope that this is only the beginning.”

See previous LSN coverage:

Dutch Government Prosecutes Woman for Murder Following Late-Term Abortion in Spain

Seven More Doctors Arrested by Spanish Police for Illegal Abortions

More Abortion Clinics are Closed by Spanish Government Authorities

Late Term Abortionist Arrested by Spain’s Police