
JOHANNESBURG, September 3, 2002 ( – Developments at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), otherwise known as the Earth Summit, have been encouraging for supporters of the UN’s traditional role of fostering peace and development.  Without their powerful allies Bill Clinton and Al Gore, population controllers, abortion advocates and environmental extremists are having a depressing time at the Earth Summit. National delegates are no longer easily coerced to support their anti-people agenda. Instead, the Johannesburg conference has been dominated by demands for real solutions to the issues of poverty and disease.

A World Youth Alliance spokeswoman told LifeSite that “there is a strong focus on poverty eradication that we have never seen before.” She also reports the environmentalists are disappointed by the failure of the conference to set time-bound goals on the environmental issues.

Canada and the EU, together with South Africa this time, have been flogging the same, tired, abortion-as-a-human-right agenda. They have been pushing for a new clause asserting that reproductive healthcare for women should be provided “in conformity with all human rights and fundamental freedoms”. This UN-speak phrase is intended to override document wording that the provision of reproductive health care should be consistent with “national laws and cultural and religious values.”

Reuters reported this afternoon that Canada has finally “eased its insistence on linking women’s health-care and human rights” and that “Ottawa is proposing to shift 10 words – ‘and in conformity with all human rights and fundamental freedoms’—to a more general section on gender equality from a section on rights to health care.”  The Women’s Caucus at the summit considers this compromise to be “totally unacceptable” and insists that the issue must be seen as one of human rights.  Meanwhile Archbishop Renato Martino, the permanent observer for the Holy See at the United Nations—said that “extreme poverty is perhaps the most perverse and crippling violation of human rights in our world.”  Russia has given the environmentalists one cause for celebration by announcing today that it may soon ratify the Kyoto Protocol on limiting global warming. This protocol has been strongly supported by the one world government, de-population forces.  See the Reuter’s report on the New York Times web site at   See the previous LifeSite report on the Earth Summit   For the de-population groups’ view of the Summit outcome see   Pressure groups condemn summit