October 24, 2011 (40DaysforLife.com) – It’s Monday. But that’s OK. During 40 Days for Life, Mondays bring GOOD NEWS!
So here is your Monday good news — so far during this 40 Days for Life campaign, we are now aware of …
… 361 babies whose mothers changed their minds and rejected abortion!
God has done wonderful things! Here are a few of the stories.
People praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Columbus had a bad feeling when a young woman arrived on an abortion day. They had seen her previously – and tried to convince her not to abort her child. But here she was once again.
She went in – but a short time later she left … calling out that she had changed her mind. The volunteers put her in touch with the local pregnancy help center and promised to keep her – and her baby – in their prayers.
Join a Facebook page to end abortion here.
Later that day, two teenagers drove in – but walked on in after refusing to take information from one of the pro-life counselors. An hour later, they walked out – and handed the volunteer a receipt. At first, she didn’t look at it.
One of the other vigil participants then called out, “They’ve changed their minds!”
Yes – they were BOTH there for abortions – and they BOTH chose life.
“I didn’t get a chance to look at the receipt until that evening,” the volunteer said. “The driver had had an ultrasound and lab work … but ‘first trimester abortion – $385’ had been scratched out. Praise God!”
“It’s beyond belief, but on Saturday there were five babies saved in Downey,” said Patti.
One woman helped changed a friend’s mind about abortion. She then spoke to another woman, who changed HER mind. This woman then spoke to a couple … and THEY changed THEIR minds too.
Two days later, two more women rejected abortion for their babies. Then Patti herself had a chance to speak with a young man outside the abortion center, “who then went in and got his lady out of there and they are keeping the baby. “
Patti said it’s a miracle – “eight babies in two days! The Lord is so kind and good!”
One of the counselors outside the 40 Days for Life vigil site in Toledo asked a young woman arriving at the abortion center if she would take some information. She replied, “On my way out.”
The counselor’s prayer shift ended, but she stayed longer than planned because that young woman said would take the literature when she left.
She walked out an hour and a half later and headed towards her car – it looked like she was avoiding the counselor. As she drove out of the parking lot, however, she rolled her window down and said she was not going to have an abortion.
“Thanks be to God!” said Ann in Toledo.
If you haven’t had an opportunity to pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil yet – you’re invited! Here’s the link to the list of locations. Please click on the city nearest you – and join the prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.
Reprinted with permission from 40DaysforLife.org