The Baby Joseph saga has taken another unexpectedly bad turn. London’s Victoria Hospital is shockingly determined to crush parental rights regarding the life of their child.
It appears that, for some reason, medical officials want to make an example of this vulnerable family. Perhaps the imposed, early withdrawal of treatment for this child represents a new policy to limit health care, as per death panels, for dying patients such as Baby Joseph. If he is allowed to live to a more natural death time, then others would also be encouraged to challenge the money-saving death policy.
It seems that the public may be the only ones that can put sufficient, immediate pressure on the hospital, members of the Ontario legislature and Ministry of Health officials to save Baby Joseph’s from the sole authority of the doctors. This is a dangerous, frightening development that must be fought in order to protect the lives of all vulnerable patients in the future and to protect the rights of family and other caregivers to make these life and death decisions.
See an excellent Fox News video report on this issue.