
John-Henry Westen’s report today on the Obama admin’s ruling in favor of Pepsi’s use of cells from aborted children has gotten huge readership since its publication Monday morning.

The February 23 LifeSiteNews report on the proposed changes to Alberta’s Education Act caused a firestorm of public response to the Alberta government. It was so intense that Patrick Craine, writer of the story, soon received a detailed letter from the Education Minister. That initial, non-credible, deny everything response was later followed by more productive discussions with the minister’s communications director. There has now been welcome back pedaling from the previous positions of the Education Minister’s assistant director of communications.

Patrick had done his homework well and his recorded interviews and pointed questions seem to have saved the day (for now) for homeschoolers, private schools and all parents in the province who believe parents are still the primary educators of their children – not the state.

The Canadian bishops’ Development and Peace scandals saga unbelievably still continues as Patrick Craine reveals in his detailed report.

Steve Jalsevac