Check out the 1 minute video from Wow! The new, young leaders of the movement are showing some amazing creativity.
Archbishop Chaput moves to the important diocese of Philadelphia. Another wow. Church liberals are not happy that such a faithful, outspoken, strongly pro-life, pro-family prelate has been given this important diocese.
I met Reggie Litteljohn of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers in Washington last week. She is one lovely, gutsy, humble woman who kind of just fell into her role of exposing China’s current forced abortion misdeeds. She is telling the heartbreaking stories everywhere and needs all the support she can get for this mission of calling to account the Communist Party of China. Heroic.
Yesterday’s article on Harry Potter has garnered many comments both pro and con. It always amazes us how hostile some become over reports with negative comments about Potter. It has over the years resulted in some of the more vicious, over-the-top trashing of LifeSiteNews that we have experienced – and from fellow Christians. Disturbing and puzzling.
Most recent blog posts:
For Planned Parenthood, pregnancy is an ‘epidemic’ only the government can cure – Daniel McConchie
Using NFP to halt overpopulation? – Stephen Phelan
Abortions per day: U.S.; 4,000 China; 35,000 – Dr. Gerard M. Nadal
Students for Life gives award to Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli – Students for Life of America
Today on Salon: I’m ‘pro-choice as can be’, so why can’t I get over my abortion? – Kathleen Gilbert
Steve Jalsevac