
Today we present the last installment of our series of articles on Governor Rick Perry. This last one required the most research and verification. Considering the grave dangers that not only the United States, but also the entire free world is now facing, we believe these in-depth articles on US presidential nomination candidates are essential.

US Vice-President Biden continues to generate disbelief that the second in command of the United States government can be so regularly blind to evil.

We have felt like a voice in the wilderness, publishing for years articles warning about the deadliness of IVF. Albert Mohler calls it like it is in his excellent article today.

Divorce is costing the United States billions. This is not rocket science as W. Bradford Wilcox reveals.

I don’t know where Archbishop Tobin is coming from, but it appears he is grossly downplaying the severity of the problems that have existed in many orders of US Catholic nuns for decades. For years, there has been a flood of horrific revelations about faithless Catholic nuns who have decimated their orders as a consequence of involvement in or support for homosexuality, abortion, radical feminism, New Age practices, contraception and other evils. Vatican action has been way overdue.

As support for homosexual ‘marriage’ climbs in the US the argument that this is a harmless trend that will not affect others is repeatedly and brutally disproven. Catholic Charities Illinois, or rather, the children that will be prevented from joining stable, good homes through its services, are the latest victims of this forced social engineering. We all lose – big time – but especially the children.