Thanks for the generous response from so many readers to the plight that we are facing because of the lawsuit launched against LifeSiteNews. We are only at the very beginning phase of what could possibly be a long and costly legal process. LifeSiteNews will report on developments in the case to the limited extent that prudence allows. Note that donations can be made by clicking on the appropriate links in our story that announced the lawsuit.
Since we are the defendants, it would be advisable to limit what we publish on this case while it is before the courts. Being journalists, this is not easy for us. It is certainly also a problem for the numerous loyal readers who rely on LifeSiteNews for details and who want to comment on the case. Posted commentary has had to be suspended on the story, but please feel free to send your comments or information for us to read. We welcome them.
You will have to read greater details about the case in other media and websites who might cover the case and hope that the full facts are being reported without undue bias.
Regardless of the case, the news goes on. The trial against Planned Parenthood in Kansas and the related Kansas Board for Discipline of Attorneys hearing against Phil Kline are critical events. They are so important that we are sending LSN reporter Peter Smith to Kansas from our office in Front Royal, Virginia for the first week of the Kline hearing.
Archbishop J. Michael Miller of Vancouver, in a strongly worded homily, has challenged Catholics, and especially health care workers, to stand up for the principles of their faith against a hostile culture. He uses words such as “courage”, “evil”, “complicity” and “persecution” – preaching that is much needed from religious leaders in these times.