MEXICO CITY, February 18, 2011 ( – An eminent Mexican geophysicist says that despite predictions of global warming based on computer models, the world may be on the verge of an eighty-year cold period similar to the “little ice age” experienced by Europe from 1300 to 1800 A.D..
Víctor Manuel Velasco, of the University of Mexico’s Institute of Geophysics, says that recent winter conditions are similar to those of the “little ice age”, and in particular the “Maunder Minimum,” a period during which sunspot activity dropped significantly. He also notes that the Earth is in a similar position today in relation to the rest of the solar system, a fact which he regards as significant for climate.
“We are talking about the period between 1645 and 1715, which is known as the Maunder Minimum, a period in which the sunspots practically disappeared from the surface of the sun, and in which our planet occupied a position similar to which it has today, with respect to the center of gravity of our [solar] system.” Velasco said in an interview published by the university.
Velasco dismissed computer models that are used to predict global warming as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, noting that “today we are experiencing a scientific revolution in which on one side there are are supercomputers and on the other, human intelligence. Only human beings create knowledge and science, and those who bet on computers are making an erroneous diagnosis.”
“It will be nature that demonstrates which theory is the correct one. However, the Earth is getting colder,” he added.
Although sunspot activity has been higher in recent decades, which has correlated with higher global temperatures, it has recently shown signs of dropping. The year 2009 marked a particularly low point in the 11-year sunspot cycle, representing the “deepest solar minimum in nearly a century” according to NASA.
Velasco says that he has been studying the relationship between solar activity and climate since 2002, and “our observations led us to predict, in 2008, that the climate would begin to grow colder around 2010, and nature is beginning to demonstrate if the prediction was right or not.”
The geophysicist believes that a “mini ice age” began in 2010 which will last between 60 and 80 years, and says that “there does not exist a scientific consensus regarding the influence and responsibility of man in global warming,” according to a University of Mexico press release describing his views.
Velasco is one of many scientists who question the conclusions of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a political body which has been the primary force behind the promotion of the catastrophic global warming hypothesis. The theory is a favorite of organizations seeking to justify population control measures such as abortion, contraception, and sterilization.