
By Gudrun Schultz

  STRASBOURG, France, April 11, 2007 ( – A UK woman has lost her final appeal to obtain the right to have children using frozen embryos from a previous relationship.

  The European Court of Human Rights’ final appeals court, the Grand Chamber, yesterday rejected Natalie Evens’ claim that a British court violated her human rights by denying her petition to use fertilized embryos over the objections of her former partner.

  Ms. Evens’ former fiance Howard Johnston refused to give permission for her use of the embryos in order to have children, after their relationship ended. The UK Court of Appeals and the High Court upheld Mr. Johnston’s refusal, under the rules of the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act that require permission from both biological parents before frozen embryos be used.

  The European human rights court said that given the lack of European consensus on the issue of embryo use, the British court ruling had not violated the right to life, the right to respect for private and family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, or the prohibition against discrimination.

“The Grand Chamber considered that, given the lack of European consensus, the fact that the domestic rules were clear and brought to the attention of the applicant and that they struck a fair balance between the competing interests, there had been no violation of Article 8,” the court said in a statement released April 10.

  Ms. Evans’ underwent IVF treatment in 2000 which led to the creation of six embryos, fertilized by Mr. Johnston, that were subsequently frozen in storage. The couple’s relationship later ended and Mr. Johnston withdrew his consent for the use of the embryos.

  Under UK law stored embryos must be destroyed five years after one party withdraws consent for their use.

  See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

  EU Court Denies Woman Her Frozen Embryos After Ex-Fiancé Refuses Permission

  British Woman Makes Desperate Final Appeal to European Court of Human Rights to Save Her Embryos

  UK Mothers Lose High Court Case to Have Their Frozen Embryonic Children Implanted”