BRUSSELS, April 12, 2002 ( – Pro-family Members of the European Parliament have successfully re-introduced the pro-family statements into a resolution sent to the UN Genaral Assembly on Children.
Undoing the previous removal of pro-family statements from the document by anti-family Members, the EP has just voted overwhelmingly (72-12, 9 abstentions) to support an amendment reading: “Supports the view that the ‘family is the fundamental unit of society and holds primary responsibility for the protection, upbringing and development of children’, as stated in UNICEF’s draft outcome document under preparation for the Special Session”.
Another addition passed with the same vote said: “Suggests, therefore, that a ‘world fit for children’ – the title of the Special Session – has to be at the same time a world fit for families, in line with subsidiarity; this implies that government policies have to be devised accordingly in order to achieve the best human and social environment for children and to provide those that are deprived of natural family protection and support with the best possible family-like social responses”.
For more details see the Euro-Fam website: