(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with Katy Faust, pro-family activist and author of Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement, for a discussion on the natural right of all children to be raised by their biological mother and father, as well as why every other family arrangement risks negatively affecting the child’s mental, physical, and emotional health.
Faust makes it crystal clear that a child’s right to be raised by their biological father is “natural” or “fundamental,” just like the child’s right to life. Given that this is an argument from natural law, it is not surprising to find ample scientific evidence supporting the argument and shattering leftist myths about children’s rights. Indeed, Faust marshals tons of evidence in her book.
She wishes, however, that conservatives were significantly better at defending children’s rights than they are at present.
“The right has fallen prey to everything, all the tactics that the left has been building on for the last couple of decades,” Faust says. “So the left and progressive family structure in general makes the entire case based on adult sexual desires, sexual expression, sexual identities, sexual fulfillment … that if the adults are happy, the kids will be happy; that adult sexual expression is the highest level of good; that the worst thing of all is an adult having to sacrifice their own sexual or romantic desires to conform to children’s right and need to be raised by their mother and father.”
For much more from Faust, listen to this week’s episode below. Click here if you’re interested in buying Faust’s book.
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