
TORONTO, March 20 ( – Ontario Premier Ernie Eves has put the Equity in Education Tax Credit back on track today, restoring Jim Flaherty’s original plan. The credit will now once again rise from 10% to 20% of the first $7,000 per child for tuition fees at independent schools, instead of being stalled at 10% as Eves had ruled last year.  Eves, who made the announcement at Covenant Christian School in Smithville, said: “Parents have told us that the tax credit supports the choices they make when it comes to the education and future of their children.”  The move means that the credit will rise to a maximum of 50% of tuition (up to $3,500) in 2006. For the 2003 tax year, the maximum tax credit for parents that choose to educate their children outside of the public/separate system will jump from $700 to $1,400.  However, starting next school year, independent schools will continue to be required to provide teacher background checks and to test students in core subjects, as many already do. The Liberals and NDP oppose the plan altogether, affirming their support for the education monopoly of public schools and their teachers unions.  Tax credits are considered the best type of support for families in private schools and most likely to preserve the independence of that those schools from government ideological programs. Many private education experts warn that vouchers still present significant danger to the independence of private education. Canada’s National Post has been advocating educational choice via vouchers.  For National Post coverage:{0CC4833E-8C72-496A-9A3D-EFBB363245EC}  For related coverage:  ONTARIO MINISTRY MEMO SAYS PROVINCE WONT SEEK PRIVATE SCHOOL TESTING   ONTARIO LIBERALS VOW TO KILL PARENTAL TAX CREDITS   THE 2002 ERNIE EVES BUDGET: PROMISES BROKEN   CANADIAN NATIVES RECEIVE MOST GENEROUS EDUCATION VOUCHERS