Ex-Abortion Clinic Owner Tells Pro-life Group Truth about Abortion Business
By Michael Baggot
FORT WORTH, Texas, April 30, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The United Methodist pro-life ministry Lifewatch recently hosted a free luncheon featuring former abortion clinic owner Carol Everett.
Everett spent six years working in the abortion industry in the early 80s, before experiencing a profound conversion. In 1995 she founded the Heidi Group – a group of inner-city crisis pregnancy centers named after one of Everett’s own children that she aborted in 1973.
“We are an injured nation, for many of us are unwilling to admit or deal with our pain,” Everett told her audience.
Everett has testified in the past that while she was working in the abortion industry she was on track to make over a million dollars a year. “You can imagine what my motivation was,” she said. “I sold abortions.”
In order to sell as many abortions as possible the telephone “counselors” at Everett’s clinics were trained to lead distraught women callers to think that there is only one solution to their unwanted pregnancy, and then to assure women that their child is only a “blob of tissue” and that the procedure itself will be basically painless.
“I cannot tell you one thing that happens in an abortion clinic that is not a lie.”
“When we opened” Everett told Lifewatch, “we did 45 abortions in the first month. The last month (we were opened) we did 545.” Everett was paid $25 per abortion.
To address the plight of women considering abortion, Everett’s Heidi Group centers offer parenting classes, Bible studies, counseling, and prenatal medical care.
The mission of Lifewatch, also called the Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality, is to “work to create in church and society esteem for human life at its most vulnerable, specifically for the unborn child and for the woman who contemplates abortion.”
Lifewatch is committed to removing language supportive of abortion in the Book of Discipline, a guiding document for the Methodist community. The Book of Discipline defends “the legal option of abortion under proper medical procedures” in order to protect the “well-being of the mother.”
Learn more about Lifewatch:
Learn more about Carol Everett: