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(LifeSiteNews) — Every year the abortion industry preys on the fear of countless women, urging them to end the lives of their innocent children for their career, education, or social status — all while sustaining a multi-billion-dollar business. 

In a profound interview with John-Henry Westen, airing tomorrow at 8:00PM ET on The John-Henry Westen Show, former Planned Parenthood employee Patricia Sandoval discusses the incredible damage and despair which arose from her three abortions, the atrocities she witnessed at work, and her moving story of redemption — which occurred after bouts of drug addiction and homelessness. 

Viewers will listen to Patricia illustrate her story of post-abortion grief — and the healing she received in a redemptive encounter with God through the love of a complete stranger. 

Building the culture of life is the lasting legacy of LifeSite’s mission — even in the face of seemingly insurmountable damage done by the abortion industry.  

LifeSite’s advocacy for society’s most vulnerable, providing the foundation that paves the way for new pro-life and pro-family missionaries, is put on full display in Patricia’s interview with John-Henry. 

Patricia’s heart wrenching interview includes: 

  • The historic human sacrifice of babies 
  • Patricia’s grief, guilt, and despair arising from her abortions 
  • Demonic links to abortion — including possession 
  • How chastity will destroy the abortion industry 
  • The urgent need for Mexico to ban abortion and return to God 
  • And so much more. 

Patricia’s interview is raw, real, and unrelenting with the truth about the real victims of abortion — both mother and child — and illustrates the key players perpetuating the mass murder and shattering of human life. 

“I was a dead woman walking.” — Patricia Sandoval 

Millions of women have been tricked, manipulated, and pressured by the abortion industry each year, making LifeSite’s interview with Patricia Sandoval timely and critical in understanding the lives at stake in the pro-life and pro-family movement.  

Life is on the line. Get informed, inspired, and empowered tomorrow night with this moving and unforgettable interview, only on The John-Henry Westen Show at 8:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM PT. 

