WASHINGTON, April 12, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Concerned Women for America’s (CWA’s) Chief Counsel Jan LaRue has released the first part in her series, “The Road to Perversion Is Paved With Pornography.” LaRue explains that “regular guys” don’t jump into having sex with kids without taking steps in the wrong direction.
“Millions of men and boys are falling for the destructive myth that looking at ‘adult’ porn is normal, healthy and harmless for ‘regular guys,’” according to LaRue. “Way too many are finding themselves handcuffed between two cops, under arrest for sexual conduct with a kid.”
LaRue addresses the common misconception that pedophiles are the only ones molesting children.
“Not every guy who has sex with a minor is a pedophile. Most aren’t. There is a difference between pedophiles who prefer to have sex with children and child molesters who prefer to have sex with adults but will have sex with a child if the situation presents itself. And it presents itself big time on the Internet.”
Men are using online pimps to connect with underage prostitutes. “Check his Web log and you’ll find he was at the porn sites long before he went to the pimp sites,” LaRue says.
LaRue is an expert in pornography law and has covered this issue for 14 years.
Read the full report here: