
VANCOUVER, Jan 19 (  Tonight’s CBC National Magazine on “anti-abortion violence” was initiated at least in part through the efforts of self described “pro-choice researcher”  Will Offley. Given his ongoing campaign to portray the Canadian pro-life movement as violent,  thoughtful people will want to better understand him. LifeSite is pleased to be able to provide the necessary information to help people make an educated assessment of the man and his agenda.

Offley is so heavily involved in the abortion movement, it is impossible to maintain credibility while painting him as an unbiased researcher. Offley is a frequent contributor to the Pro-Choice Action Network (Pro-CAN), known originally as the BC Coalition for Abortion Clinics.

Offley is an official member of the US-based National Abortion Federation and a regular contributor to a pro-abortion magazine published in Binghamton, New York called the Body Politic. Check out his articles on their site by typing Offley into their search engine.

He has links to a violent pro-abortion group in the United States, known as Refuse and Resist.  See the link below:

Offley has said: “The only appropriate response to fascism is to crush it, totally, by any means necessary” (16 June 1997). Refuse and Resist is a self-proclaimed “anti-fascist” group which classifies most conservative views including opposition to abortion and homosexuality as expressions of fascism.  In this light, Offley’s statement has ominous implications.


John Hof president of Campaign Life Coalition BC told LifeSite that Offley was the former head of security at “Everywoman’s Health Centre” a BC abortion mill. Hof also noted that Offley was living with the abortuary’s former director Margaret Panton for 9 years before she was fired from her job. She subsequently sued the abortuary for wrongful dismissal. See the court case filed by Panton in which Offley was involved.


In the federal election of 1993, Offley ran as a candidate for the Marxist revolutionary party known as “Socialist Challenge”. Mr. Offley is also a Trotskyist. To quote the Vancouver Sun (May 25, 1989):  “… Trotskyist Will Offley said the reports from China are good news. ‘If Leon Trotsky were alive today, he would be a happy man.” Mr. Offley neglected to mention that the man and movement he supported was partially responsible for the “Red Terror”, which resulted in the brutal slaughter of thousands of Russian peasants and “Kulaks”.


Offley has also developed a strategy intended to divide Christians while advancing the radical homosexualist agenda. Fundamental to this strategy has been attempts to link vocal defenders of family values with violence, so as to encourage less outspoken Christians to deny any association with, or support for, such people and groups.

“Part of any strategy (to defeat pro-family groups) has to be to deny the Christian label to (these)  groups … to expose their agenda as being a right-wing agenda, not a Christian one,” he said. “[It is]  extremely important for us to build bridges to the progressive Christian community, and mobilize them into the (pro-homosexual) struggle.” “To win,” says Offley, ” we have to create the broadest possible coalition, uniting the lesbian, gay,  bisexual and transgendered community, and extending to embrace the students, parents and teachers in districts where the religious right is seeking control.”

See these quotes in an International Socialist publication:


It seems Offley has chosen to employ these tactics against the Canadian pro-life movement attempting by any surreptitious means to demonstrate links from the always-peaceful Canadian pro-life movement to violent fringe groups in the U.S. Offley has compiled files on Canadian pro-lifers and is often used as a source by the pro-abortion media. On November 13, at 9:30 am, CBC radio had an hour long program on “anti-abortion violence” in Canada where Will Offley was interviewed as an expert on the matter with no opportunity for pro-life rebuttal to his ludicrous claims.

Asking Offley about the pro-life movement is akin to asking Saddam Hussein about the United States of America. In the Offley pro-abortion religion, surely the pro-life movement is “the great satan.”

(Many thanks to Ted Gerk for research assistance on this story.)