July 27, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The pro-family organization “Transform Chile,” which has scheduled a “March for Values” for July 30th at 3 pm in Santiago’s Plaza Italia, says that it was forced to remove its Facebook page after repeated cyberattacks.
“[The Facebook page] will not be operative because of continuous attacks,” the organizer’s webpage states. “They were even adding false information [stating that] the march is suspended.”
However, organizers say that up to the time they removed the Facebook page, thousands of people had already signaled their support.
Transform Chile says that “it is the time to raise our voices for values, for yours and mine, and cease to be mere spectators of relativism for principles associated with the family and marriage.”
The organization has created two promotional videos for the march, which portray members of ordinary families expressing their love for each other. In each video, a parent expresses love for a child of the same sex, and a text appears saying “I believe that two men/women can live together.”
A voiceover then says “I believe in this family. My family.” A logo then appears of a heterosexual couple with children. Homosexual activists associated with the group MOVILH have denounced the videos as “homophobic.”
Salvador Salazar, a promoter of the march, notes that “the Constitution and Chilean law define matrimony as a union between a man and a woman, but this is threatened on a daily basis by the influence of the homosexual lobby, which day by day gains more force in pressuring the parliament.”
The March for Values will provide a response to numerous demonstrations held recently by homosexualist organizations, which are pressuring the government of Sebastián Piñera to create the institution of homosexual “marriage.”
Piñera has reportedly decided to institute “civil union” legislation in order to placate homosexual organizations, but has not yet officially announced the initiative.
Related links:
Transforma Chile video 1
Transforma Chile video 2