JACKSON, MS, February 1, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Mississippi’s last abortion center may be forced to close within the month due to new state safety laws with which they’ve failed to comply, but that didn’t stop them from giving themselves a bright new paint job.
The Jackson Women’s Health Organization over the weekend painted their building a shockingly bright shade of pink. The woman who owns the facility said it was an act of protest.
“It’s a woman’s color,” facility owner Diane Derzis told the Clarion-Ledger, referring to women’s issues such as breast cancer and domestic violence that use the color in their awareness campaigns. “It says, ‘We’re right here, and we’re not going anywhere.’”
Meanwhile, clinic director Shannon Brewer denied that the color choice was political.
“I don't think [the owner] so much thought it was a statement about women, but it could be considered that, I guess. She just wanted to go along with the bright colors in the area. This is our district and a lot of the houses and businesses are painted different colors,” she said, “so why not make it blend in?”
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Regardless of motivation, the color change came just days after health department workers inspected the clinic to determine whether it was in compliance with a 2012 state law that requires anyone doing abortions to be an OB-GYN with privileges to admit patients to the hospital.
Every hospital in the area has rejected the abortionists’ applications for admitting privileges, calling their work “inconsistent” with their mission as hospitals.
The state Department of Health sent the clinic a letter on Monday stating its intent to revoke the clinic’s license for noncompliance with the law. However, the facility will remain open while it awaits a hearing by the department.