December 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — In this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, the bishop of Tyler, Texas discusses how many good, faithful priests have been targeted for daring to teach and preach the Church’s stance on moral issues.
Bishop Strickland weighs in on how many faithful priests, including one he had met with personally, are being shunned and many times targeted for preaching specifically on the Church’s teachings on abortion, contraception, and other issues of morality.
His Excellency talks about how the Church’s teachings, truths, and fundamentals are a challenge for all to grasp. However, he says that “to water it down and to punish your priest who isn't willing to water it down … is a sad commentary on where the church is.”
Strickland adds how pastors and shepherds of the Church are being “sidelined because they’re teaching the truth.” He also mentions that Canon 1375 of the Catholic Church “reminds us that it is a crime to impede someone from exercising ecclesiastical ministry.”
In the beginning of the show, Strickland noted that the recently released McCarrick Report did not “really call us to … be pastors and to acknowledge the ways that we have sinned … and the ways that we need to be reformed.”
Watch The Bishop Strickland Show, co-hosted by Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio, which airs every Tuesday at 9 P.M. EST on LifeSite’s YouTube channel. Click here to watch all past episodes.