
WATERLOO, April 14, 2003 ( – Former Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau, who initiated and passed the 1969 legislation that began Canada’s abortion slaughter, is to be posthumously honoured at St. Jerome’s Catholic University in Waterloo, Ontario on May 9-10.  The event, “The Hidden Pierre Trudeau: A conference about his spirituality, his faith, his life, his times,” is sponsored by The Catholic Register, as well as St. Jerome’s.  Keynote speakers at the event include Trudeau’s ‘partner in crime’ in passing the pro-abortion legislation – former Prime Minister John Turner, also a Catholic.  Trudeau’s controversial stands on sexuality including the legalization of contraception, homosexuality and abortion and the liberalization of divorce laws came with his well known phrase “The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.”  At the St. Jerome’s event, one session entitled, “Trudeau and the Bedrooms of the Nation”, will be chaired by Richard Alway, President of St. Michael’s College – a Catholic College at the University of Toronto.

Fr. Alphonse de Valk, editor of Catholic Insight told LifeSite that Trudeau’s legacy, like it or not, is the abortion holocaust.  “The greatest decisive feature of the man’s life, and that of John Turner, is the legalization of abortion and the resulting death of three million Canadian children to date,” said Rev. de Valk.  Tickets for the event are $133 and a conference poster and brochure are online at: