
LIFESITE, March 4, 2003 ( – The February 2003 Interim newspaper includes a feature section exposé on Planned Parenthood by writer/researcher Tony Gosgnach .

In three articles Gosgnach details incidents of misdemeanor and malfeasance by this deadly organization that portrays itself as just being concerned about the welfare of women while making multimillion dollar profits off of those same women.  In addition to the widespread covering up sexual exploitation of young girls, as recently rexposed by Life Dynamics, Gosgnach reveals the commitment of unasked-for abortions; a mistaken sterilization; the performance of pornographic and profane plays in schools; illegal use of U.S Aid monies to finance abortions in Third World countries; PP urging its European allies to put pressure on European governments to ratify sexual rights for children; the exorbitant salaries and benefits of PP’s senior officials; and much more. The evidence reveals this is no principled, charitable organization – by any stretch – except according to its own propaganda.  One of the articles consists of five disturbing quotes from Planned Parenthood’s extremely racist, eugenics supporting foundress, Margaret Sanger. PP has consistently refused to disown Sanger because of her well-known, dangerous views and still portrays her as a pioneer of women’s advancement.  Lastly, in the third article, Gosgnach reveals what good people can do and have successfully done to counter the huge influence and wealth of this nefarious anti-people conglomerate.  See   Planned Parenthood exposed The ‘wisdom’ of Margaret Sanger Good and moral people can make a difference