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Former abortionist Dr. Kathi AultmanClaire Chretien / LifeSiteNews

November 8, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Former abortionists and abortion supporters can awaken to the barbarism of abortion in a variety of ways, and former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman says her journey began when the birth of her own child focused her mind of the humanity of preborn babies.

Aultman, a retired OB/GYN who is now with the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, has testified before Congress on behalf of pro-life laws, and joined LifeSiteNews’ Jonathon Van Maren for an interview on this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show.

“I think I must have made the fetal-baby connection when my baby was born,” she said, “because when I went back to the clinic, I ran into these three patients, and when I look at my responses now, I must've been thinking more of that fetus as a baby.”

One patient was seeking her fourth abortion, the second declared “no, I just want to kill it” in response to being asked whether she wanted to see the “tissue,” and the third was a mother of four who aborted for financial reasons, and “cried the whole time she was there.”

Aultman recalled telling her clinic manager she didn’t want to commit abortions anymore, only to be met with, “you don't have that right. She has the right to do that and you need to do the abortion.” She responded, “that's easy for you to say. You're not the one doing the killing.”

“So at that point, I must have already known somehow that I was killing,” Aultman said. “I think God brought to my mind that it was the apathy and hostility of the first two patients contrasted with the misery of the third patient who knew what it was to have a child. That contrast was what changed my mind and I personally just couldn't stomach doing abortions anymore.”

While those experiences pushed her away from personal involvement in abortion, she did not become fully pro-life until a friend shared with her an article comparing abortion to the Nazi Holocaust.

“My father was with the unit that liberated the first concentration camp in World War II,” Aultman said. “And so I grew up with those stories and pictures. And I when I became a doctor, I couldn't understand how the German doctors could do what they did, until I read that article.”

“Yeah, they could do it just like I could kill babies because we didn't consider them human,” she confessed. “They didn't consider the Jews and the other people they mistreated and killed as humans. And I didn't consider fetuses as human.”

“And that was the first time that I saw myself as a mass murderer,” Aultman continued. “And it was right about then the Ted Bundy case was in the news. And then I thought, ‘oh my gosh. You know, I've killed a lot more people than Ted Bundy.’ But it wasn't illegal.” Her first congressional testimony against abortion followed shortly afterward.

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