
WASHINGTON, Feb 17 (LifeSiteNews) – LifeSite has learned that the baby parts story exposed by Life Dynamics Inc. will be aired on ABC’s 20/20 program on Friday, February 25, 10pm (EST). Life Dynamics was originally told by the show’s producers that the segment would air Feb 9 but it was rescheduled.

On the show, the pro-life “spy”, Kelly, who once worked at abortuaries chopping up and shipping out baby parts to researchers, will reveal her identity. There is some concern that once Kelly is exposed she will be heavily targeted by the pro-abortion movement and perhaps even silenced through lawsuits, but Life Dynamics says that others within the abortion industry have come forward to corroborate the gruesome happenings behind the “clinic” doors.

Life Dynamics is urging everybody who sees people leaving abortion centres carrying containers resembling coolers to contact them with any identifying information at (940) 380-8700.