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September 30, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A film dramatizing Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s Manifesto of Faith will premiere worldwide online October 1.
“Manifesto of Faith: The Movie,” created by Arcadia Films, is a 22-minute cinematic presentation on Cardinal Müller’s February 2019 manifesto that some say reads like a quasi-correction of many of the doctrinal errors that surround the pontificate of Pope Francis.
Cardinal Müller was the head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office until Pope Francis removed him in 2017. The cardinal said he wrote the Manifesto of Faith in the face of a “growing confusion” within the Church.
“In the face of growing confusion about the doctrine of the Faith, many bishops, priests, religious and lay people of the Catholic Church have requested that I make a public testimony about the truth of revelation,” he wrote in the introduction to the text.
The Manifesto touches on various Catholic truths under assault today. These include:
- That Jesus is “first and foremost the Word that was with God and is God, the Son of the Father, Who assumed our human nature to redeem us” and not merely a “good person, brother and friend, prophet and moralist”;
- That “Jesus Christ founded the Church as a visible sign and instrument of salvation realized in the Catholic Church”;
- That the “Church is the universal sacrament of salvation in Jesus Christ”;
- That “he who dies in mortal sin without repentance will be forever separated from God.”
The Manifesto has been praised by various bishops for its “clear, concise, and ordered approach” and as an “excellent summary of the faith.” Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, called the Manifesto “a necessary and a very timely initiative, edifying the Faith and bringing light in the enormous spiritual confusion,” which can bring “to the faithful consolation and encouragement.”
Stephen Payne, the film’s director, said he was “delighted to have had the opportunity to create this new cinematic presentation of Gerhard Cardinal Müller’s magnificent text.”
“In a time of proliferating confusion about the eternal truths of the Catholic faith, which today reaches to the highest levels, its clarity is much needed,” he added.
Arcadia Films produced the award-winning film “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” (2016). It will host the world premiere of “Manifesto of Faith” on October 1, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time here. The organization is extending an invitation to anyone who would like to pre-register to watch the entire film. The film will be aired over the Internet via ManifestoOfFaith.com.