
This is’s last call regarding our current Special Appeal campaign. We are grateful to the many readers who were able to respond with a contribution. Thank you for your generosity and especially the encouraging comments.  We are still short of the resources needed for the system upgrade to handle the growing popularity of, but are confident that the goal will be met. A key element of our service has already been transferred to the new server. This has greatly improved the sending out of the daily news emails to subscribers. What a relief!  As a small incentive for those who may still be considering a donation, is offering to mail our new document “The Inherent Racism of Population Control”, first published on yesterday, for a minimum donation of $15.  This isn’t fancy. It’s a quality photocopied (double-sided), covered reproduction of the document, but we understand from some readers that printing it off themselves (single-sided only) and stapling or binding it together is too much of a challenge for their equipment.  In the future, if there is sufficient demand, we may produce the document in a printed booklet form.  In the meantime, to send a contribution see:  In the comments field state that you would like to receive a copy of The Inherent Racism of Population Control.  For those who have contributed already and would also like to receive the document, just sent a note to [email protected], with your complete mailing address and we will gladly send you the document.  See the original Special Appeal article at