(The Defender) — In exclusive interviews with CHD.TV’s ‘Vax-Unvax” Bus and The Defender, California intensive care unit nurse Gail Macrae shared her story of pushing back against hospital COVID-19 protocols that she said violated medical ethics and resulted in increased harm to patients.
Macrae worked at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Rosa from 2015 until 2021, when she was fired for not complying with the staff vaccine mandate.
After the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Macrae witnessed a dramatic spike in hospitalizations with side effects she had never seen before. Meanwhile, proven and recommended treatments were banned and record-keeping systems were manipulated to obfuscate vaccine-related injuries and breakthrough infection cases, she said.
Hospital staff faced threats for reporting adverse events and retaliation for objecting to protocols isolating patients and denying families access and input over their treatments.
In his new book, “What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back,” Ken McCarthy details similar events.
‘Felt like I was violating my oath’
According to Macrae, in the first months of the pandemic hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures halted — a scene that contrasted with media claims of overwhelmed capacity.
Even during the 2020-2021 winter surge of hospitalizations due to normal respiratory issues, she said “not once” were hospitals overwhelmed — an observation she corroborated with colleagues across the state.
“The public was being lied to,” she said. “So that really opened my eyes to the fact that there were things going on that shouldn’t have been going on.”
Macrae reported the implementation of strict isolation protocols for COVID-19 patients that prohibited visitations from patient families and advocates. She claimed these restrictive policies facilitated unchecked “fear-mongering from the media,” while removing a support system that would have provided a buffer against administrative coercion.
Despite COVID-19 being “the most inflammatory disease process that humanity has ever seen,” experienced hospital staff were blocked from administering steroids — “the best treatment for an inflammatory process,” Macrae said.
“So for the government and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and these three-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids … was absolutely criminal,” she said.
California was not the only state to ban steroids. McCarthy, in a recent interview with AMP News, said he found it “just mind-boggling” when nurses told him standard anti-inflammatories like steroids were banned under rigid protocols in hospitals across the U.S.
Meanwhile, remdesivir, already found ineffective as an Ebola therapeutic, was administered under rigid protocols although evidence indicated it “causes more harm than good,” Macrae said, adding that antivirals, in general, do not work “more than two days post-symptom onset.”
Macrae suggested profit motives were to blame, noting “each one of those doses was over $3,000.”
With all of these new restrictive policies and protocols, Macrae said, “Every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.”
After vaccine rollout, surge in hospitalizations, ‘code blue’ alerts
Once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in early 2021, Macrae reported an immediate and drastic shift, with a “300% increase in hospitalizations,” and hospital staff overwhelmed amid uncharacteristic patient conditions.
Macrae said “code blue” alerts — when somebody stops breathing or their heart stops — which had been happening perhaps once per shift, begin happening as many as 10 times per shift.
“They would always call them down to the lower level of the hospital, where we had a vaccination clinic,” she said.
Two nurses who administered the shots directly — colleagues she met through a practitioner support group in her community — said they were seeing between 10 and 20 episodes of anaphylactic shock every day. They told Macrae they were threatened with termination if they said anything about it publicly.
One day near the end of June 2021 as she was working a 16-hour shift split between two units, Macrae said she got a report that every single patient in both units — 60 overall — had unusual injuries that were likely the result of the COVID-19 shots.
She described uncommon blood clots, bleeds, heart attacks, strokes and Bell’s Palsy increasing in frequency during the early months of the vaccination campaign.
“There were all of these bizarre peripheral vascular clotting disorders,” she said, “and literally, I had never even heard of them or seen them before.”
She even saw four “rapid onset” Guillain-Barré syndrome cases, compared to only two cases in all of her previous years of experience as an acute care nurse.
Macrae asked two of these patients what they thought caused their condition, and they said they had received the COVID-19 shots “within 24 hours of onset” of their symptoms.
During this time, the hospital and the press maintained that it was the unvaccinated who were filling the hospitals, she said.
The hospital’s charting system was also rigged to not show post-vaccination breakthrough infections, Macrae said. “Any patient who was diagnosed with COVID the chart would automatically populate as ‘unvaccinated. If anyone tried to change that manually, the only other option was “vaccination status unknown.”
This was a feature of the Epic software used in all Kaiser Permanente hospitals, said Macrae, a limitation corroborated by others.
“I’ve talked to nurses all over the country who saw the scamming of the charting systems,” she said.
‘Belittled, gaslighted or undermined’
Macrae said staff at her hospital were deterred from drawing logical conclusions or lodging reports, saying her manager told her, “We cannot report these because we cannot prove that these [shots] are what is the cause.”
“I felt like we were being handcuffed, duck-taped across the mouth and threatened with harm,” she said.
Macrae said only about 30% of her colleagues saw what she was seeing — or were willing to say so.
McCarthy’s interviews with other nurses around the country chronicled similar patterns of reprisal. If nurses submitted injection injury reports or spoke to media, they risked job loss and their professional reputations.
“Any nurse that stood up was not just fired, not just delicensed, but personally attacked,” he said. One nurse was even forced to leave her home and change her name after receiving death threats, he said.
McCarthy said their were “organized armies of attack trolls” going after nurses, and that one of the funders of these efforts was the United Nations. “We actually have video of the undersecretary of communications of the U.N. bragging about this group called Team Halo,” he said.
In August 2021, Macrae said the pressure on hospital staff to take the vaccine intensified. She showed her employer her bloodwork proving she had natural immunity, but to no avail.
In the months leading up to that, she said those who refused the vaccines — whether staff or patients — were often “belittled, gaslighted or undermined” in various ways.
In September, Macrae formally served her manager and the hospital’s human resources manager with “affidavits of truth and fact,” she said, consisting of notarized statements and two blood tests proving her natural immunity and citing state, federal and international laws concerning her right to reject the “experimental use product.”
“I didn’t want to file a religious exemption,” she said, so she included “over 70 articles showing that natural immunity was as effective or more effective than these experimental use vaccines.”
The next day Macrae was put on leave, and within a week she was fired. She estimates at least 25 people from her facility — along with thousands of medical practitioners throughout California — suffered a similar fate.
By the time she left, Macrae estimated more than 90% of the patients hospitalized at her facility were fully vaccinated.
Macrae said the ostracizing hasn’t stopped, lamenting that she still gets pushback from people who accuse her of being paid to criticize the medical system or call her a “monster.”
“We get so much scrutinization from all of these naysayers who just don’t want to see the truth,” she said. “I don’t know what to tell them. Is it really reasonable to look at people like me and somehow convince yourself that I’m doing this for some ulterior motive?”
Macrae credits her faith and her husband — formally a civil engineer, now a law school student — and her 20-year marriage with giving her the strength she needed to get through the last several years.
‘I would not take my family member to a hospital’
Macrae said she is concerned for the future of medicine in this country “because we have criminalized and disciplined all the practitioners” who were willing to “protect our patients and families.”
“I would not take a family member to a hospital,” she said. “It’s a dangerous place.”
McCarthy echoed that assessment, stating plainly, “I want to make very clear to everybody: These murders, they are murders,.. are going on right now. They have not stopped.”
“They are still using these protocols,” said McCarthy, who described the COVID-19 treatment as, “Don’t give them water. Cut them off from their loved ones. Put them on powerful psychoactive drugs, coerce and bully them into getting intubated and vented.”
“Less people are dying because less people are being diagnosed and ending up in the clutches of these hospitals,” he said.
McCarthy warned against accepting sedatives. “The minute you take a psychoactive drug in a hospital, you now become somebody they can hold against your will,” he said. “Why? Because you’re now a danger to yourself and others.”
“There is a law that allows them to hold onto you. It’s called medical kidnap,” he said.
Macrae said the optimist in her “wants to believe that this medical system is going to crumble and we’re going to rebuild something based on ethical and integrous human interaction, which I feel has been pretty much removed from these systems.”
The road from here
Macrae and several medical professionals, including Dr. Christiane Northrup, founded the organization Stand Firm Now, with the goal of gathering expert witness testimony from medical practitioners on notarized affidavits that will “be accessible to every litigating attorney in the world,” she said.
“That’s what’s been missing in courts,” she said, referring to lawsuits — including one filed on her behalf by America’s Frontline Doctors — that have been thrown out by “judges who are also practicing from the bench.”
The notarized testimonies will allow litigants to “properly reinforce” their cases with the “quality and quantity of evidence required to persuade the judge to open exploration,” she said. Without such evidence, judges think, “This is all conspiracy theories and misinformation,” she said.
Macrae recently filed a lawsuit as a pro se litigant against seven individuals who worked for Kaiser Permanente, against state and county health officers, and against her union representative, who she alleged failed to represent her when her hospital mandated the experimental drug. The suit was thrown out but is now on appeal at the federal level, according to Macrae.
“I’m very excited about this,” she said, noting that filing against individuals instead of corporations “changes the legal jurisdiction.”
Macrae said she is contracting with people all over the country to begin collaboration and development of a “new private, parallel healthcare system outside of the legal grasp of the three-letter agencies that are constantly forcing us to commit crimes against the oath that we took.”
“We must remove ourselves from the jurisdiction of the corrupt federal government and regulatory organizations that have destroyed the medical system,” she said, adding there will be a process for ensuring “ethical and moral compliance” in the new system.
McCarthy talked about the American Frontline Nurses and the Nurse Freedom Network, nonprofits offering advocacy, education and nursing services directly to the public.
These nurses are “protecting people that are in the COVID meat grinder,” he said. “They actually intervene and help people. They deal with the hospitals. They deal with the hospital administrators.”
“But they also keep you out of the hospital, which should be your very, very, very last resort,” he said.